
Nature editors

Science must overcome its racist legacy: Nature’s guest editors speak, 2022

Author(s): Melissa Nobles, Chad Womack, Ambroise Wonkam, and Elizabeth Wathuti
  • Type: Article
  • Researcher: Other Researchers
  • Timeline: 2020s
  • Affiliation: Multiple

"We are leading Nature on a journey to help decolonize research and forge a path towards restorative justice and reconciliation." --Nature’s guest editors

In an editorial for Nature, [MIT] Chancellor Melissa Nobles, Chad Womack of the UNCF [United Negro College Fund], Professor Ambroise Wonkman of Johns Hopkins University, and Elizabeth Wathuti of the Green Generation Initiative detail the long history of racism in science and outline their work as guest editors of a series of special Nature issues focused on racism in science. “Racism has led to injustices against millions of people, through slavery and colonization, through apartheid and through continuing prejudice today,” write Nobles and her co-authors. “The point of learning about and analyzing racism in science must be to ensure that it is never repeated.”

MIT Daily, 10 June 2022

Nobles, Melissa, Chad Womack, Ambroise Wonkam, and Elizabeth Wathuti. "Science must overcome its racist legacy: Nature’s guest editors speak." Nature: The International Journal of Science 606, pp. 225-27 (8 June 2022). DOI: