Cardinal Warde on STEM education (2018)

Cardinal Warde, a professor of electrical engineering at MIT, is considered one of the world’s leading experts on materials, devices and systems for optical information processing. He holds ten key patents on spatial light modulators, displays, and optical information processing systems. He is a co-inventor of the microchannel spatial light modulator, membrane-mirror light shutters based on micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), an optical bistable device, and a family of charge-transfer plate spatial light modulators.

After finishing high school in Barbados in 1965, Warde left for the United States. He earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from the Stevens Institute of Technology (1969) and MPhil (1971) and PhD (1974) degrees, both in physics, from Yale University. In 1974, he joined the faculty of MIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1974 as an Assistant Professor.


Warde, Cardinal and Dinah Sah. "Creating a STEM-based Economic Pillar for the Caribbean: A Blueprint." Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean, Vol. 18 No. 1 2019.

Timeline: 2010s
School: School of Engineering
Department: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Career: EducationEngineeringGovernment & LawTechnology
Object: Video
Collection: Administrators, Caribbean, Faculty, Integration and Differentiation 1969-1994, Mentorship, MITES, Rising Voices 1995-Present, STEM Education