B. Stephen Carpenter II- Double Taking and Troublemaking: Socially Engaged Practice as Intentionally Disruptive Art (2017)

B. Stephen Carpenter II, Ida Ely Rubin Artist in Residence at the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST), a contemporary artist and scholar whose work touches upon social and political issues such as race, access to clean water, and legacies of segregation describes how intentionally disruptive practice can produce social change.

Timeline: 2010s
School: School of Architecture and PlanningSchool of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Department: ArchitectureHumanitiesScience, Technology, and SocietyUrban Studies and Planning
Career: Arts & HumanitiesCommunityEducation
Object: Video
Collection: Activism, Africa(n), Latinx and Latin America(n), Rising Voices 1995-Present