Building the Elephant in the Room (2015)

A how-to by Wellesley student Alexandria Jimi Lee, February 2015. 

MLK Design Seminar

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. IAP Design Seminar (17.922) began in January 1999. Taught by MIT administrator Tobie Weiner (a 1998 MIT MLK Leadership Awardee) during Independent Activities Period (IAP), the course brings together MIT and Wellesley students to create artistic and political installations that have been placed in MIT's Lobby 7 and Lobby 10 to coincide with the university's celebration of Dr. King. Projects have included work with children and adults in the Cambridge Community Centers, original songs and performances, benefits for charities, various features in campus publications, and special projects.


Timeline: 2010s
Career: Arts & HumanitiesCommunityEducation
Object: Video
Collection: Exhibits, IAP MLK Design Seminar, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rising Voices 1995-Present, Students, Wellesley