Catalog card: Operation Crossroads Africa, 1961

Operation Crossroads Africa, 1961
Courtesy MIT Museum

MIT Museum catalog card depicts Stephen Salomon '61 (left) with chemical engineering major Muili Salami '62 of Nigeria discussing Salomon's plans for a summer in Africa under the Operation Crossroads Africa program; photo taken in the map room of Hayden Memorial Library, Spring 1961.

Operation Crossroads Africa

Operation Crossroads Africa was established in 1958 by Dr. James H. Robinson, who foresaw a "clear, honest, hard-hitting program" in which young North Americans would work at the grassroots level with young Africans. He envisioned young people "building bridges of friendship to Africa," and his extraordinary vision was embodied in Operation Crossroads Africa. The organization's motto is "make a difference for others, see the difference in yourself."

Timeline: 1960s
School: School of Engineering
Department: Chemical Engineering
Career: Community
Object: Document
Collection: Africa(n), Critical Mass 1955-1968, Students