Nagela Nukuna, 2021

Nagela Nukuna, 2021
Photo: Sarah Bastille Photography | MIT Spectrum

Graduate student Nagela Nukuna at the Sloan School of Management, 2021.

Nagela Nukuna MBA ’22 has always felt the pull of two different disciplines—tech and policy. In her view, they merge more practically than one might think. “Implementation is so important in policy. Technology expands access and opportunity and helps us scale different policies efficiently,” she explains. An engineer by training, she’s currently adding a dual degree to her toolbox: an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a master’s of public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.

"Policy Student Aims to Use Tech for Good" by Katherine J. Igoe, MIT Spectrum (Fall 2021)

Timeline: 2020s
School: Sloan School of Management
Department: Management
Career: Business & FinanceGovernment & Law
Object: Image
Collection: Africa(n), Harvard, Magazine features, Rising Voices 1995-Present, Students, Women