Joseph Yaw Yeboah, 1975

Joseph Yeboah
Photo: Calvin Campbell/MIT News Office. Courtesy MIT Museum

Joseph Yaw D. Yeboah holding his four diplomas at Commencement, June 1975.

Joseph Yaw D. Yeboah ['75, SM '75, ScD '79] of Samreboi, Ghana was one of 1,259 people to receive degrees at MIT's 109th commencement. He earned four degrees in four years--Bachelors' in chemistry, chemical engineering, and management, and a Master's in chemical-engineering practice. Four degrees in four years is unusual, but since no records of multiple-degree recipients were kept then, it is impossible to say if his accomplishment is without precedent. What's ahead for Yeboah? "I started work on my doctorate the day after commencement," he said.

Tech Talk, 6 June 1975

Timeline: 1970s
School: School of EngineeringSchool of ScienceSloan School of Management
Department: Chemical EngineeringChemistryManagement
Object: Image
Collection: Africa(n), Commencement, Integration and Differentiation 1969-1994, Students