Abdalla Ibrahim El-Twaty, 1972

Abdalla Ibrahim El-Twaty, 1972
Courtesy MIT Museum

Abdalla Ibrahim El-Twaty, Class of 1972

Abdalla Ibrahim El-Twaty '72, SM '74 earned his BS in Chemical Engineering (Course X, 1972) and MS in Chemical Engineering Practice (Course XA, 1974) from MIT. He holds a PhD (1979) in Chemical Engineering from University of California, Berkeley. El-Twaty is currently a Professor of Chemical Engineering Industrial at the University of Benghazi and corrosion consultant in Libya.

Timeline: 1970s
School: School of Engineering
Department: Chemical Engineering
Career: EducationEngineering
Object: Image
Collection: Africa(n), Integration and Differentiation 1969-1994, Middle East, Students, Technique Yearbook